Thresh(hold), Three Highgate Gallery, 2024
with Emii Alrai | Miriam Cahn | Camilla Dilshat | Sotiris Gonis | Graham Gussin | Shahpour Pouyan | Tal Regev
black volcanic clay, glazed stoneware, horse hair, human hair, tar, silver gelatin print, ebonised bespoke oak frame, steel

Recovery, Chalton Gallery, 2020
glazed ceramic objects, laser-cutting on a stone found in Nida, Lithuania (exhibition view with work by Ramona Guntert, Kostantinos Pettas, Diego Valente, Sam Williams & Clara Pereda)

Trelex Residency, Nyon, 2019
moth wings, clay, wax, steel, insulation

Untitled, HD video installation with sound, 16’, 2016

Trelex Residency, Nyon, 2019
wax, root, string
soft violation, publication, Offprint London, 2016

untitled, 2 channel video installation, 2016